Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio

Using the Default Aspect Ratio

Choose the Right Aspect Ratio

In the camera interface, we can select the aspect ratio for the current viewfinder, with options typically including 1:1, 4:3, and 16:9.

Some people prefer the 1:1 ratio and select it when shooting. However, regardless of your preferred aspect ratio, it is best to use the default ratio during the initial shooting. On iPhone, the default aspect ratio is 4:3, which corresponds to the camera sensor’s ratio.

Why Use the Default Aspect Ratio?

Here’s an example of a photo taken with the 4:3 default ratio. I’ve marked the areas that would be captured using the 1:1 and 16:9 ratios under the same conditions. You’ll notice that any non-4:3 photos contain less visual information. This is because non-default ratios are achieved by cropping the default ratio.

iphone aspect ratio example

Using the default 4:3 ratio allows you to capture more content in your photos, providing greater flexibility for adjustments during post-processing. In simple terms, anything achievable with a non-default ratio can be done with the default ratio, but the reverse is not true.